Sunday, July 18, 2010

I'm Back!

I have to apologise for not blogging last week. I unexpectedly had to go away to the Gold Coast for the week! I know...hard to take! What started out as a working trip ended up as a beautiful little holiday. We stayed at the Q1 on the 67 floor thanks to a friend on my family who owns the unit. The views were amazing!!! We actually watched the helicopters pass under us!

Since I have been away there is so much news...

My best friend has met a great man and they are 'talking marriage'. She moved to America for work a few years ago and although I will miss her I am really excited for her. I can't wait to get the official news! I feel as excited as the mother of the bride and really need to settle down. I am looking at chair covers in anticipation of the big event (I love chair covers at weddings!)...

We had another Girls Night Out Event which was fabulous! The theme was fashion and make up....and a little cake thrown in for good measure! Thanks to Kelli from Boucher Boutiques and Gorgeous Cosmetics for making the night such a success!

And Divine Find's trestle tables will be featured in the Mad Hatter's photo shoot....more to come on that when I get the details!
Hope everyone has had a wonderful week. Look forward to catching up with everyone again.


  1. What a lovely break for you and your girls might sounds terrific! xx

  2. Sounds like fun and how lovely for your friend, cheers Katherine


All your comments are appreciated. Thank you for taking the time to be a part of my little blog. Michelle